We are three active fans and supporters of the H3 Podcast from around the world, with over 80 combined months of memberships. We decided to start posting critiques of the one show that keeps us all entertained because we would like for it to be at its best and on the right side of history.

It is kept to this very website because no other platform or community seemed suitable to us, either keeping things too clean or taking things too far for our liking. We also wouldn't like to farm outrage or to trigger and abuse social media algorithms, making this the way to go.

We have the best intentions and mean absolutely no hate or harm. If any of the critique happens to be harsh or damning, we only posted it because we hope and trust things will improve. It's all just peace and love over here.

To keep ourselves in check, everything is unanimously agreed upon. If any of us disagree or find something not that big a deal, we simply won't write about it. If we didn't mention something you were bothered by personally, it doesn't mean we think it was fine or that your feelings aren't valid. Always decide things for yourself.

Any and all posts will be regarding 2024 onward, to keep it current.

We will not ..

.. be seeking out things to critique. It are just things we found icky or worse while watching the show. We hope that after a while we have very little or maybe even nothing to post about;

.. dig into the past, unless it's absolutely necessary to substantiate a current topic;

.. make a post each time Ethan smacks or breathes into the microphone;

.. call out anyone from the crew, for ultimately they aren't responsible;

.. engage with conspiracies, speculations or anything unsubstantiated.

✌️☮️🕊️   &   🫶❤️🫰