Published: March 8, 2024

Ethan seems to have twisted himself into a bit of a pretzel when it comes to Jewish people being able to be anti-Semitic too. This is what he said about a Jewish girl supposedly telling a group of Orthodox Jews to "get the fuck away from me":

"No, no, no, I don't fucking care that she is Jewish. She's crazed. Doesn't matter."
After Dark #139

We absolutely agree that Jewish people can be anti-Semitic and that the event described would've been too, but he has also been saying the exact opposite to defend his astute Ben Shapiro remarks, in this case toward Fresh & Fit less than two weeks after the above quote and episode:

"I don't think it matters, because I'm a Jewish man talking about another Jewish man. Obviously different rules apply there, but let me... yeah, I mean, you understand that. You say the N-word all the time, and obviously that's okay for you to do."
Off The Rails #108

It's the defense Ethan has used ever since making the remarks, but we think it's a terrible defense in the first place. What he said about Ben Shapiro wasn't about Judaism or Jewish people. It was about Ben specifically, with Ben aligning himself with anti-Semites.

The argument also implies that the remarks actually would've been anti-Semitic had they been made by anyone non-Jewish. We think it could've been said by anyone else, no matter their religion, with there being no difference in how it would've been perceived.

It's akin to saying a black modern conservative would've been enslaved or worse, or that a gay or trans person dabbing up with neo-Nazis would've been persecuted also. Ethan himself has been using similar analogies regarding those and other marginalized groups he's not a part of.

The argument makes it so that now the "different rules" must be laid out clearly. Otherwise it looks like Ethan thinks different rules apply to himself than to others, at least optically.